Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is a site listing email hoaxes?

I just got an email regarding a Phenylpropanolamine recall and I know this is an email hoax, but lost all my hoax link sites.

What is a site listing email hoaxes?
Reply:McAfee are good.

Virtually any email chain letter you receive (i.e., any message forwarded multiple times before it got to you) is more likely to be false than true. You should automatically be skeptical of chain letters.

Hoaxers usually try every means available to make their lies believable -- e.g., mimicking a journalistic style, attributing the text to a 'legitimate' source, or implying that powerful corporate or government interests have tried to keep the information from you.

Be especially wary of health-related rumors. Most importantly, never act on 'medical information' forwarded from unknown sources without first verifying its accuracy with a doctor or other reliable source.
Reply:theres a site called they give you ways to screw with scammers, particularly the "419" scam where they try to get your bank info.

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